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Things about must know when buying hair products in Vin Hair Vendor

If you are still wondering whether to choose Vin Hair Vendor as a partner in your hair business. This article exactly belongs to you, because it will give you all the necessary information about Vin Hair Vendor, helping you make the right choice.

1. Vin Hair Vendor beats other competitors in the market

Vin Hair Vendor is considered an extremely difficult competitor among hair suppliers in the Vietnamese market. Why is the Vin Hair Vendor called that? Let’s find out now

1.1. Vin Hair Vendor beats the competition with its hair products

With the advantage of being a hair factory in Bac Ninh City, Vietnam. Vin Hair Vendor can not only assure customers of quality but also feel like buying a bargain.

  • Origin of products of Vin Hair Vendor: As the best hair vendor, 100% of Vin Hair Vendor’s products only originate from the beautiful, black and healthy hair of Vietnamese women, and mainly those living in the highlands of the country. Here, they have never applied chemicals or heat to their hair, along with a passionate lifestyle, the hair of Vietnamese women here is always sought after.
  • After being collected, the hair bundles will have a dedicated team of Vin Hair Vendor to select the best hair, quality and shine.
Products of Vin Hair Vendor with its black, glossy and silky features
Products of Vin Hair Vendor with its black, glossy and silky features
  • Vin Hair Vendor’s hair product production process is supported by high-tech equipment, under the supervision of a professional team, to avoid at least mistakes in the hair products provided to customers. 
  • As mentioned above, because they are the biggest Vietnamese hair factory, they can offer more competitive prices compared to other competitors in the market. That’s why buying a Vin Hair Vendor hair product is a bargain
  • Collaborating with Vin Hair Vendor is a wise choice when any of your product requirements can be met by Vin Hair Vendor without asking for an extra large price like other suppliers. So, no matter how much or little you buy, you will get more benefits in return.
  • Vin Hair Vendor is famous for having an extremely diverse product line, when it can satisfy customers from bundles of hair products, clip-in hair, weft hair and wigs, all of which are available at Vin Hair Vendor. 
  • Especially for the market in Nigeria, where people there have thin and thin hair, they love Vin Hair Vendor’s straight hair bells, which increase the thickness and bounce of their hair. Every year, the amount of straight hair that Vin Hair Vendor exports to Nigeria is almost half of the total hair exported to this place.

1.2. Vin Hair Vendor with a diverse shipping policy

Vin Hair Vendor provides the best shipping policy to protect its products and the interests of its customers.

  • Vin Hair Vendor commits to all customers that their products will not be lost, exchanged or damaged during transportation. If the above cases occur, Vin Hair Vendor will be fully responsible and provide it back to customers
  • Vin Hair Vendor is currently cooperating with a few famous shipping companies in the world such as DHL, UPS, AGENT and FEDEX. Customers can choose from a variety of options according to their needs.
Shipping methods of Vin Hair Vendor
Shipping methods of Vin Hair Vendor
  • For the most part, for countries like Europe, Africa or America, products will reach customers in 7 to 10 days. While, countries in Asia can receive goods in about 5 days.
  • If the customer has any problem during the shipping process, they can contact Vin Hair Vendor via whatsapp (+84)356665661. 

2. Tips for taking care of products from Vin Hair Vendor

Although, the hair products of Vin Hair Vendor are all quality products. However, in order to prolong the use time as well as keep the hair always black, shiny and smooth, here are some useful ways for you.

  • Wash hair products of Vin Hair Vendor:
    • Limit the use of shampoos made from chemicals, instead choose shampoos with natural ingredients such as grapefruit or locust. If possible, you’d better use dry shampoo for your extensions
    • You should use the shower to wash your hair extensions, as it will limit tangles and hair loss. In addition, the use of a shower also helps hair to go in the right direction from top to bottom to remove dirt on their hair extensions.
  • Hair nutrition is always important even with real hair and hair extensions. This helps the hair to be cared for from deep within, increasing their shine and softness. You can use hair care products such as oils, serums or hair masks. 
  • Limit your hair extensions exposure to heat because this can make your hair damaged, broken, dry and difficult to create other hairstyles. Instead, you can use other hairstyles with rollers or styling spray
  • If your hair extension product is colored hair, you should not re-color it because it has already been processed.
  • Please note again, do not expose your hair extensions to too much heat, because it will be destroyed quickly.

If you want your hair extensions to always look good and last 7-10 years, then follow the steps above. 

3. What customers say about Vin Hair Vendor’s products

On hair discussion forums or when discussing the best hair companies in Vietnam today, Vin Hair Vendor is an indispensable name when discussing this issue.

  • Most of the customer reviews about Vin Hair Vendor are positive. They all said that they were extremely satisfied with the product they received, the natural long, straight and silky hair made them feel like their own hair.
  • Vin Hair Vendor is also highly appreciated when all requests from customers are approved and executed correctly, satisfying every customer when coming to this supplier.
Customer satisfaction with Vin Hair Vendor's hair products
Customer satisfaction with Vin Hair Vendor’s hair products
  • They are also extremely assured when buying at Vin Hair Vendor because of clear policies, protecting the interests of their customers.
  • Thanks to a professional team in 24/7 customer care, all customer inquiries will receive a quick response from this supplier.

You may visit our website for more extensive information about wholesale hair, which includes all information for your hair businesses. With a 10-year expertise as a wholesale hair supplier, we promise that you can rely on me for everything you need. Click here to find out what your response is: https://ok.ru/profile/601030788392

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